Hewavisenthi, S.J.de S.Collure, S.K.2014-10-292014-10-292000The Ceylon Medical Journal. 2000; 45(2): pp.82-830009-0875 (Print)http://repository.kln.ac.lk/handle/123456789/1417Indexed in MEDLINECase report of a 38 year old woman with 3 children admitted to Colombo North Teaching Hospital in May 1998. She had abdominal distension, pain in the right iliac fossa and loss of appetite and vomitting. Indicates investigations carried out. At surgery a large tumor filling the retroperitoneal space was found. Includes pathology and discussion.Sarcoma, SynovialRetroperitoneal NeoplasmsRetroperitoneal Neoplasms-diagnosisSarcoma, Synovial-diagnosisSynovial sarcoma in an unusual siteCase ReportPathology