Saparamadu, S.Weerakkody, W. A. S.2017-12-072017-12-072017Saparamadu, S., and Weerakkody, W. A. S. (2017). The Impact of Human Resource (HR) Key Result Areas on Employee Satisfaction of Production Floor Workers in Sri Lankan Garment Industry. 8th International Conference on Business & Information ICBI – 2017, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p.51. current study was conducted with the prime purpose of examining the impact of Human Resource (HR) key result areas on production floor workers’ satisfaction with the focus on production level employees of MNO Garments operating under MAS Holdings in the Biyagama export zone. The study investigated the effectiveness of HR key result which can influence on satisfaction among production floor workers. The research framework consists of one dependent variable and one main independent variable. HR key results areas are recruitment, training and development and remuneration. Three hypotheses were formulated using deductive approach. Hence the purpose of the study was hypotheses testing. Variables are neither manipulated nor controlled in the study. The sample population consisted of 100 production floor workers who were randomly selected from 10 modules including 10 employees selected for each module using the stratified random sampling method. Measures of the study had possessed sufficient validity and reliability. The structured questionnaire, which consists of 43 statements with five point scale, was used in order to collect the data and the sample. Unite of analysis is individual since data was collected from production floor workers. The data analysis included the univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis. The study revealed that there is a strong positive relationship between HR key results areas and employee satisfaction. Hence, it is concluded that Human Resource Key Result Areas and employee satisfaction strongly relates positively.enHuman Resource Key Results AreasEmployee SatisfactionProduction Floor WorkersThe Impact of Human Resource (HR) Key Result Areas on Employee Satisfaction of Production Floor Workers in Sri Lankan Garment Industry.Article