Agarwal, H.2014-11-192014-11-192010 of Cyprus, Manu Samhita and even every book of Religion especially ?Hindu? have strongly put the Ethics as an essential part of the business activities. All over the world, every person want to achieve peaceful living. And, to perform this act, a common code of conduct is required. This common code of conduct measures all human being equal and gives joy and happiness naturally available to all. It is, thus, called society i.e., group leading an ethics or living a value based life enjoys the fruits of good organized living. Business is a part of the society. It functions in the society. So, it should be guided by the ethical or moral norms which the society wants the business to observe. In other words, every business should be guided by business ethics i.e., moral principles which are considered by the society as right, and so, should govern and guide the activities of the business. This way, the present paper (followed) is based upon the citations,discussions and suggestions given in the various spiritual and holy texts in Artha and Kama, Dharma, Moksha manner. Moreover, ethical dilemma is discussed in detail. In my opinion, the present paper contains such issues which have not been discussed so far.Entrepreneurship, Sri Lanka; Business enterprises, Sri Lanka; Business ethics, Sri LankaETHICAL ISSUES IN BUSINESS: THE SPRITUAL INPUTSConference_itemEntrepreneurship