විජේරත්න, එච්. ඒ. සී. එන්.2022-11-252022-11-252022විජේරත්න, එච්. ඒ. සී. එන්. (2022), බෞද්ධ රූපික තර්ක ශාස්ත්රය සහ ක්වොන්ටම් ප්රජානනය (දිග්නාග සහ ධර්මකීර්තිපාදයන්ගේ තර්ක ශාස්ත්රය ඇසුරින්), MPhil Theses. University of Kelaniyahttp://repository.kln.ac.lk/handle/123456789/25649Dharmakirti, a Buddhist logician, has pointed out that since sarva purushartha is achieved through samyagnaya, a formal study should be done. The Buddhist logician has also paid special attention to cognition, which is considered to be a prominent mental phenomenon in the search for consciousness. Cognition is the intellectual contribution that helps in building knowledge. It discusses various aspects of intelligence such as reasoning, problem solving, and planning. Cognition helps in deciding the do's and don'ts (heyopadana) in individual life. In Buddhist logic, there are discussions about various aspects related to cognition such as knowledge, sensation, concepts, judgments, inferences, logical intuitions. Quantum models of mathematical psychology are used to analyze these cognitive phenomena, which is known as quantum cognitive science. Can the basic concepts of Buddhist logic be used for quantum cognitive analysis? Can Buddhist logic be analyzed in terms of metaphorical models? are objectives of this research. In this research conducted as a qualitative research, the basic concepts of Buddhist logic will be identified by analyzing the currently recognized original texts and quantum cognition will be conceptually identified and how Buddhist spiritual concepts can be used for this purpose will be investigated. Also, Trirupa Linga and the Causal Cycle are presented in metaphorical examples based on Carol Lewis models. Three cognitive approaches can be identified in Buddhist logic. Those are the sources of knowledge, its form and verbal expression of knowledge. Accordingly, Buddhist logic consists of three main streams: sense perception, egoism and syllogism. Sense perception is based on the nature of physical objects and Buddhist logic teachings on the nature of physical objects can be interpreted in terms of quantumism. Analyzes of egoism can be interpreted in terms of quantum cognitive models of conceptual combination. It can also be modeled graphically using the Carol Lewis models of hethuchakra and trirupa linga, which are based on Buddhist syllogism. Thus, it can be concluded that the concepts related to cognition arising in Buddhist logic can be analyzed in relation to quantum cognition and the theories of Sanvakya can be modeled in relation to Carol Lewis models.Buddhist Logic, Formal Logic, Quantum Cognition, Knowledge, syllogismබෞද්ධ රූපික තර්ක ශාස්ත්රය සහ ක්වොන්ටම් ප්රජානනය (දිග්නාග සහ ධර්මකීර්තිපාදයන්ගේ තර්ක ශාස්ත්රය ඇසුරින්)