Paranitharan, P.2019-11-272019-11-272019Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law-December. 2019 ;(10)1:15-162465-6089 indexed in MEDLINEABSTRACT: Injuries on motorcycle riders admitted after collisions range from minor abrasions to fractures and other major injuries to different regions of the body.1 The motorcyclists who are involved are employed at different institutions. It is imperative that they report back to duty following hospital treatment. Cushioning of major impacts to the body following a collision will minimize the injuries and reduce hospital stay. Further the expenses spent on treating major injuries by the government could be minimized.2 Currently it is illegal to ride a motorcycle without a helmet. The suggested protective gear which is used in other countries can be encouraged in Sri Lanka too. The sport of cricket was played with minimal protection in the past. However, after experiencing several injuries the sport is played with maximum protection to the body. A suggestion is proposed to encourage Sri Lankan motorcyclists to use additional protective gear to minimize injuries to different parts of the body. (Figure 1)enProtective gearPoints to Ponder: protective gear for Sri Lankan motorcyclistArticle