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dc.contributor.authorWeerasekara Cen_US
dc.description.abstractEnhancing the Employability skills of Arts graduates is considered as a mean of overcoming the problem of unemployment among the Sri Lankan university community. The majority of the products of the universities today are recorded as Arts graduates and the employability rate of them is considered low. As a rising sector and a main performer of labor market, today, private sector is playing its role vastly through its contribution to the labor market demand. In this scenario, private sector prefers graduates who are committed to work, able with effective communication, having smart personality and well employable. The study was aimed to examine the problem of ?the adequacy of state university, internal Arts graduates employability in order to fulfil private sector job requirements? via private sector employers? prospect, considering their satisfaction level for employability assets towards Arts graduates. This was conducted to identify the private sector prospect towards Arts graduates employability based on their knowledge and skills acquired by the degree program. The study was quantitative in nature and used descriptive statistics, cross ? tabulation for the data analysis. The sample was selected from Colombo district private companies. A concise conclusion of findings of the study reveals that, even though the private sector shows a positive response towards Arts graduates? employability, it is not up to the standards expected by the private sector. Especially, the adequate level of Arts graduates? language skills, computer skills, and leadership skills, planning skills, independency and relevancy of knowledge required by employers are inadequate. Consequently, this inadequacy of employability will lead to raise the unemployment rate among the Arts graduates in the premier part of labor market, the private sector.en_US
dc.publisherCulture, Globalization and the Developing World, 2nd ICSSen_US
dc.titlePrivate sector prospect on the adequacy of art graduates employability in Sri Lanka-
Appears in Collections:International Conference on Social Sciences 2013

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