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dc.contributor.authorFernando, C.-
dc.contributor.authorSenevirathna, L.-
dc.identifier.citationFernando, C. and Senevirathna, L. The Relevance of Kabir's Revealing Poetry of the Caste System to Modern Indian Society, The SASA 10th Anniversary Conference 2016, Organized by South Asian Studies Association, TERI University New Delhien_US
dc.description.abstractKabirclas. the greatest poet in theNirgunaBhakthi, of the rnedieval eraof Hind Literature showed strong protest against division of social strata based on the caste svstem in the Indian society.'l-he people belongirrg to lorv cast had been deprived of human rights and entirely depend on prcstigious social clan" Kabirdas criticizes disparities of the Indian society where orivileged social class errtertains social prestige despite alI human beings have been created by the same root of blood.The stLrdl'u,as primarily concerned with the analysis of the relevance of Kabir's poetry revealing caste sl,stent to present Indian society. A number of related classical Indian texts, magazines and other literar'), r-naterials were reviewed for critical analysis of his poems. The major findings slrgsest the significant contributory role of Kabir in revolutionizing the modern Indian thoLrght. The stLrclv also reveals the relevance of Kabir's sociologicaI ideologies, humanism and literary devices to contemporary Indian society.On the rvhole. it can be concluded that l(abir's sociological beliefs and philosophical thoughts have had drastic in"rpact on shaping modern Indiarr value systern towards a harmonies society free of caste discrimination.en_US
dc.publisherThe SASA 10th Anniversary Conference 2016, Organized by South Asian Studies Association, TERI University New Delhien_US
dc.subjectMedieval Period Hindi Literatureen_US
dc.subjectKabir's Poetryen_US
dc.titleThe Relevance of Kabir's Revealing Poetry of the Caste System to Modern Indian Societyen_US
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