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dc.contributor.authorWijayawimala Thero, Suriyawewa-
dc.identifier.citationWijayawimala Thero, Suriyawewa 2015. A study on the Evolution of the Bhavanga Citta, p. 52, In: Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Research Conference 2015 University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, (Abstract), 339 pp.en_US
dc.description.abstractWhen we critically examine the early Buddhism it seems that through causal theory (theory of Paticcasamutpada) it has represented a scientific and profound explanation regarding the existence of being after the death. On the other hand, it is undoubted that the existence of consciousness (vinnāna) which is subjected to the dependent origination, was very incomprehensible, subject matter to the Indian society which was clinging on to the externalism and materialism. Therefore, it can be guessed that metaphysical questions became popular on this background. The Buddhist confraternity which was broke or scattered into various sects after the great demise of the Buddha, was free from the view of soul theory and it can be recognized that they have attempted to represent various definitions to prove the concept of ‗Person‘ (ekapudgalāyana) giving special attention to the basic teachings of the Buddhism such as Four Noble Truths, Trilakshana (three characteristics), Karmic law, Rebirth (punarbhava), Emancipation (nirvāna) etc. and this tendency was directly influenced by the contemporary social background. As a result of that ‗pudgalavāda‘ was accepted by the sect of Sammitiya and ‗existence of three moments (Traikalika Asthitva)‘ was accepted by the Sarvāstivāda tradition. Here, they created the concept that ‗all subject and object matters are existing‘. The other sect, who accepted only the Sutras as substantial were as ‗Sautrāntika.‘ They followed early Buddhism, represented the concept of ‗B ja‘ and affirmed the identity and authenticity of existing being. The sect of Yogācāra has resolved this problem through ‗Ālaya consciousness.‘ In this matter, the Theravada response was ‗Bhavanga citta.‘ The concept of bhavanga is not discussed directly in early Buddhism but it is noteworthy that this concept is influenced by the certain factors of the early Buddhism. So, there can be seen an attempt to explain the words ‗bhavasota and vinnānasota. therefore this studying is aimed at examining the relationship between Bhavanga citta and its Early Buddhist Formation.en_US
dc.publisherFaculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniyaen_US
dc.subjectPresent situationen_US
dc.subjectEarly Buddhismen_US
dc.titleA study on the Evolution of the Bhavanga Cittaen_US
Appears in Collections:IPRC - 2015

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