Content analysis of policy documents related to non-communicable diseases prevention and control in Sri Lanka: a developing country in the South-East Asia
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BACKGROUND: Health policies form the foundation for provisioning best level care and are important for all stakeholders including patients and healthcare providers. Health policy analysis and evaluation allows policy makers to improve an existing policy, terminate a non-effective policy and to successfully implement future policies. The objective was to assess the coherence between the two local policy documents on NCD prevention and control in Sri Lanka, the national NCD policy (NCD policy) and the multisectoral action plan (MSAP), and to assess the consistency of MSAP with the global action plan for NCDs. METHODS: The content analysis of the NCD policy and MSAP of Sri Lanka was conducted based on the modified criteria developed to the ‘Analysis of determinants of policy impact’ model, by two reviewers independently. Coherence between MSAP and the global NCD action plan were also assessed by two reviewers independently. Consensus for discrepancy was achieved through discussion. RESULTS: Accessibility was the strongest criteria for the NCD policy, while, resources and obligations were the weakest. Goals and monitoring and evaluation criteria were the strongest in the MSAP. Requirement for improvement were identified in policy background, goals, monitoring and evaluation, and public opportunities for the NCD policy. Accessibility, policy background, resources, public opportunities and obligations require further improvement in the MSAP. The MSAP is well coherent with the global road map for NCD prevention and control. CONCLUSION: Policy documents related to NCD prevention and control in Sri Lanka are coherent with the global action plan, while, there are areas within the local policy documents that need to be improved to enhance the coherence between the local documents. Lessons learnt by this activity need to be utilized by Sri Lanka and other countries to improve the uniformity between the NCD policy documents within the country as well as internationally.
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Non communicable diseases, policy, analysis, content, Sri Lanka, developing country, Asia, documents
Public Health and Environmental Health.2024;13:171