Knowledge and attitudes regarding child abuse and child rights among Sri Lankan school children

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Sri Lanka Medical Association


AIMS: To describe knowledge and attitudes regarding child abuse and child rights among school children in 3 districts in Sri Lanka. METHODS: A descriptive study was conducted in Anuradapura, Monaragala and Kandy districts in 2011. Five schools were randomly selected from each district. Three classes of grades 9-11 were randomly selected and all students in selected classes were recruited into the study after obtaining informed consent. A self-administered questionnaire given under examination conditions was used to gather data. The questionnaire contained questions to assess knowledge/attitudes regarding child abuse and rights. Subjects were assigned a mark (range 0-5) on their answers to questions in different aspects of child abuse and higher marks signify better knowledge. RESULTS: The study population comprised 1091 adolescents (Anuradapura-30%, Moneragala-35%, Kandy-34%). Mean age was 14.2 (SD±1.23) years and 48% were males. The majority of boys (85%) and girls (78%) were unaware of the child rights convention. A higher percentage of girls (10.1%) than boys (5.2%) answered the question on child rights satisfactorily [p=0.003]. Corporal punishment in schools was recommended by 38%, whereas 42% suggested positive disciplinary methods. On other's request, 29% boys and 6% girls would do life-endangering tasks. Marks for the question regarding ability to handle/avoid sexual abuse were- 0 in 7%, 1-3 in 51% and 4-5 in 42%. Girls scored significantly higher than boys [p<0.001]. CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge regarding child rights among Sri Lankan children was unsatisfactory. A high proportion acknowledged corporal punishment as a disciplinary method. Girls had a better knowledge regarding child rights and are better aware of how to handle situations of sexual abuse.


Poster Presentation Abstract (PP 93), 125th Anniversary Scientific Medical Congress, Sri Lanka Medical Association, June 2012 Colombo, Sri Lanka


child abuse


Sri Lanka Medical Association, 125th International Medical Congress. 2012;57 Suppliment1: 115



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