Emotional Labor and Job Satisfaction: Case Study on Bank Tellers in Sri Lanka (With Special Reference to Bank of Ceylon)

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Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya


This study was conducted to examine the relationship between emotional labor and job satisfaction of tellers working in banks in Sri Lanka. This study focus to identify surface acting and deep acting behavior of bank tellers, and in turn how it affects to job satisfaction. Gender was taken as a moderator in the current research. Bank tellers in the Bank of Ceylon is the population of this study. Study Sample size is sixty six and convenience sampling technique used to select sample and gathered data using self-administrative questionnaire. Correlation and regression analysis were used to test research hypotheses. There is significant relationship between performing emotional labor and job satisfaction. However surface acting has not been found to be significantly associated with job satisfaction and deep acting found significantly associated with job satisfaction. Further female workers significantly moderate relationship between emotional labor and job satisfaction. Tellers in the Bank of Ceylon perform surface acting technique more than deep acting. So it is recommended to the bank to give more training to develop necessary skills to performing deep acting. In order to increase performing deep acting and surface acting, so as to obtain the benefits of emotional labor it is recommended to use emotional labor as selection criteria in the front office employees’ selection process. Further it is prescribe to use orientation program to convey appropriate attitude and display rules to the new employees. This study identifies that, there is significant relationship between emotional labor and job satisfaction and surface acting has greater impact on job satisfaction than deep acting Bank of Ceylon tellers in Sri Lanka.



Emotional Labor, Surface Acting, Deep Acting and Job satisfaction


Kodikara, K.A.S.D. and De Alwis, A.C. 2015. Emotional Labor and Job Satisfaction: Case Study on Bank Tellers in Sri Lanka (With Special Reference to Bank of Ceylon). Proceedings of the 2nd HRM Student Research Symposium, Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 26th January 2016. pp 22.



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