Usage of Information Technological Centers for School Education.

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Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka.


Use of Computers can revolutionize teaching and learning and it could bring advances that would improve school education highly. By 2016, there are 10,162 government schools in Sri Lanka. Among them, there are 4215 schools are with IT (Information Technology) centers and there are only 4145 ICT teachers. According to the census and statistic report of 2016 G.C.E. O/L student’s computer literacy rate is 42.6 percent in Sri Lanka. The main purpose of this paper is to study the extent that the information technological centers are used in learning and teaching process of Sri Lankan school education system. The schools selected mainly expected survey from Matale and Matara districts. It is expected to collect data through the Surveying research method. Questionnaires and interviews are to be used to collect primary data. 100 schools are to be selected randomly as the sample by representing 50 schools in each district of Matale and Matara. Excel and SPSS software packages are to be used to analysis the collected data. The overall research is conducted basing on the assumption of the use of IT centers learning and teaching process in school education is less. It is expected to arrive at conclusions based on this assumption.



School education, Information technological centers, Learning and teaching process, Learning management systems, Online learning


Jayasinghe, W.K.D. and Gamage, H.G.I.S.H. (2017). Usage of Information Technological Centers for School Education. Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences,University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p92.




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