Stamping the message: psychiatric themes in philately
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Sage Publishing
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this article is to examine the representation of psychiatric themes within medical philately (stamps) over a recent seven-year period. METHOD: Examination of all stamps issued from 1 January 2002 to 31 December 2009 worldwide took place using the World Association for the Development of Philately Numbering System (WNS) on the Universal Postal Union website. RESULTS: During the study period, 596 stamps with medical themes were issued around the world. Common psychiatric themes included: psychoactive substance use, recreational drug messages, 'anti-tobacco' and human emotions. Notable people, the World Psychiatry Congress and intellectual disability also featured prominently. CONCLUSIONS: Philately may have a role in anti-stigma campaigns within psychiatry. The highest number of medical stamps havepsychiatric themes, yet this potential resource may not be currently utilised to maximal benefit. Philately is being adapted to the electronic age of communication.
Philately-trends, Psychiatry-trends
Australasian Psychiatry; 20(3): pp.188-92