Knowledge about acute coronary syndrome of patients admitted to National Hospital of Sri Lanka
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Sri Lanka Medical Association
OBJECTIVES: To describe knowledge about ACS, secondary prevention of ACS and selected risk factors and sources of knowledge of patients with ACS, admitted to NHSL. METHODS: This was a hospital based descriptive cross sectional study carried out in two settings at NFISL, cardiology unit and medical wards during September to October 2009. A sample consisting of 345 patients were recruited in to the study, who were diagnosed as ACS. Data was collected by using a self administered questionnaire and it was used to collect data about knowledge on ACS, secondary preventive measures, smoking, alcohol and life style change. There were 17.6% (n=61) non respondents for the self administered questionnaire. RESULTS: Knowledge about ACS was good among 32.7% (n=93) study subjects. Good knowledge on smoking, alcohol and lifestyle change was 61.3% (n=174), 53.6% (n=155) and 60.9% (n=173), respectively. Patients treated at cardiology unit had statistically significant good knowledge about ACS, compared to medical wards. Total knowledge score in relation to the age, education level of the study subjects was statistically significant (p<0.05). Many of the patients gathered their knowledge from medical officers who were working at NHSL and TV/Radio and printed media were also good sources of knowledge. CONCLUSIONS: Patients' knowledge about acute coronary syndrome, secondary prevention of acute coronary syndrome and selected risk factors were poor. Medical officers working at NHSL were a good source of knowledge.
Poster Presentation Abstract (PP14), 123rd Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, 2010 Colombo, Sri Lanka
coronary syndrome
The Ceylon Medical Journal. 2010; 55(Supplement 1):57