Villous syncytial knots in hypertensive placenta
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Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Syncytial knots are seen on many terminal villi of all mature placentae. Syncytial knots in more than 30 percent of mature terminal villi, is considered as an indication of postmaturity. The aim of this study was to find out whether there is significant increase in syncytial knot formation in pre-eclampsia and to assess the relationship between syncytial knot formation and maternal age, parity, and period of gestation and effects of syncytial knots on the birthweight, and apgar score of the newborn. The study sample consisted of 150 normal and 200 hypertensive mothers. Light microscopic studies were done on sections taken from fetal surface of their placentae. Hundred terminal villi in fetal subdivisions of each placenta were counted and the number of villi with syncytial knots was recorded. Multivariate analysis was done to find out the difference between the number of placentae with high syncytial knot counts in normal and hypertensive groups and the relationship between high syncytial knot counts and the maternal age, parity, period of gestation and birthweight, head circumference and apgar score of the newborn. Statistically significant increase of syncytial knot counts was seen in hypertensive group than the normal group. There was no relationship between syncytial knot formation and maternal age and parity. In normal and hypertensive groups, an increase in the number of placentae with high syncytial counts was observed with increasing maturity. Although the number of placentae with high syncytial knot counts were higher in relation to low apgar score than the normal counts, difference was not statistically significant. A significant difference in the birth weight and the head circumference of newborns in relation to normal and high syncytial knot counts was observed in hypertensive group.
Placenta, Chorionic Villi, Pre-Eclampsia
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2004; 26: pp.33-37