Physical Interpretation of Anomalous Absorption of Partial Waves by Nuclear Optical Potential,
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University of Kelaniya
Anomalous absorption of light ion partial waves by the nuclear optical potential
is an interesting phenomenon showing striking systematic in various parameter planes.
However, the theoretical description of this phenomenon is extremely difficult. In this
contribution, we address the problem of its physical interpretation. It is shown that the
zero of the S-matrix element associated with the anomalous absorption of a partial
wave is due to the destructive interference of the reflected waves, from the innermost
turning point and the outermost turning point, in the asymptotic region when WKB
approximation is feasible.
anomalous absorption, Partial waves, S-matrix element
Piyadasa, R.A.D., Munasinghe, J. and Karunatileke, N.G.J. (2008). Physical Interpretation of Anomalous Absorption of Partial Waves by Nuclear Optical Potential, Journal of Science, University of Kelaniya, 4: 68-72.