Study of the Organizational Culture and its Impact on Job Satisfaction among Executive Level Employees: A Case of MAS Intimates - MAS Design.

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Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya


Analysis of the corporate culture is very essential for the organization in dealing with irrational, intractable and frustrating situations effectively. This is because if the management is unable to be conscious of the corporate culture, they will not be able to utilize that effectively, and instead the culture will manage them. Prime aim of this study is to clarify the impact of organizational culture on employee job satisfaction of the executive level employees of MAS Intimates. Literature findings were mapped to the conceptual model and was used as a framework to conduct the questionnaire survey of the study. Questionnaires had been distributed among 100 executive level employees in MAS Intimates using Probability Sampling Technique. Both open-ended and close-ended questions were included in the questionnaire to gather quantitative and qualitative data to achieve research objectives. It was found according to the mean value calculations that employee satisfaction and organizational culture that exist within the organization is at a moderate level. The correlation analysis indicated that there is a moderately strong and significantly positive relationship between Innovative & Risk Taking Culture and People Oriented Culture with Employee Job Satisfaction. The Outcome Oriented Culture demonstrated a moderately weak and significantly positive relationship with Employee Job Satisfaction while Team Oriented Culture and the Employee Job Satisfaction showed the highest positive correlation of 0.753. Considering the findings, improvements are required to cultivate the employee willingness to take risk, and organization should encourage employee’s new ideas, raise achievement quality, and eliminate the routine nature of jobs and competitive & hardworking lines among employees.



Organizational Culture, Employees’ Job Satisfaction, Innovative and Risk Taking Culture, People Oriented Culture, Outcome Oriented Culture, Team Oriented Culture


Gooneratne, R.K. and Fernando, P.M.P.2016.Study of the Organizational Culture and its Impact on Job Satisfaction among Executive Level Employees: A Case of MAS Intimates - MAS Design.1st Student Research Conference on Marketing (SRCM), Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya. p 21.




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