Improving English language skills among school students with Special reference to Madduvil North Chandramouleesa Vidyalayam, Jaffna district
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University of Kelaniya
Teaching English as a second language is currently one of the most important subjects in Sri Lankan schools. As English is an international language, there is a hope to improve the personal skills of the people and to help unite various ethnic groups in Sri Lanka as well as all over the world. Generally schools provide the foundation for every citizen’s knowledge improvement, character moulding and personality development. Therefore schools play a vital role in educating people by providing better communicative skills. In this context, English language teaching becomes very important as it is the doorway to knowledge and communication. In learning a language there is an essential need to focus on its four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Learning the English language, like any other, also entails the acquisition of these four skills for communication. This research study is based on the students of grade nine at Madduvil North Chandramouleesa Vidyalayam, in the Then maradchi zone of the Jaffna district. The main objective of this study is to identify different ways to improve English language skills among the students particularly in rural areas. The qualitative methodology of this research was carried out through interviews, observation and teaching activities. Collaborative activities were found to be effective in the improvement of students’ language skills. During observation, inadequate facilities which prevent the students and teachers from meaningfully engaging in a teaching and learning process were also identified. This research will be helpful to teachers of English to develop their ability to practice teaching ESL in analytical style and to gain better understanding in designing teaching materials and planning effective teaching methodology, and to enhance the performance of the students.
Communicative skills, methodology, teaching material, performance, language skills
Parameswaran, Shyinthavy 2015. Improving English language skills among school students with Special reference to Madduvil North Chandramouleesa Vidyalayam, Jaffna district, International Conference on the Humanities 2015: New Dynamics, Directions and Divergences (ICH 2015), University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 21-22 May 2015. (Abstract) p.122.