The Reasons to Decline and Destruction of Persons Depicted in Sanskrit Didactic Literature;An examination with reference to Hitōpadēśa.
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International Conference on Sanskrit Studies, 2017 Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
Decline and destruction as well as development and protection of people depend on activities of each person. The Hitopadeśa which included in Sanskrit didactic literature is the book that teaches Nītiśastra (Law). Same time it has also given attention to point out different characteristics of the lifestyle in the society. For the purpose of that, animal characters have been used to a great extent. Especially, by using those characters, it has described all human behaviors such as cunning, lust, follies, inferior desires and misbehaviors etc. Meanwhile, Hitopadesa introduces the reasons to decline and destruction of persons. Living by Understanding those didactic teachings it helps for development, progress and benefit of people and society. According to the Hitopadeśa illiteracy and ignorance are main reasons influence to decline and destruction of people. It teaches that if there are illiterate and ignorant children of in certain house all their activities cause for the troublesome, decline and destruction. The story of monkey who detach wedge and donkey, who tries to do other’s works, also emphasize that trying to do unfamiliar works cause destruction of person. The story of man who craved gold bangle and story of greedy hunter, deer, pig, snake and jackal emphasize that craving cause destruction of person. Furthermore, story of blind vulture, cat and birds teaches that associate with unfamiliar persons and giving residence to them cause for troublesome, decline and destruction. The story of monkey and bell teaches that being afraid without knowing real situation causes decline of person and if someone try to live thinking only destiny without enthusiasm it also reason to decline and destruction of social and economic status of the man. Therefore, in this research studies the reasons for decline and destruction of persons depicted in Hitopadeśa. And try to recognize the importance for modern lifestyle of them and how can they use to develop the society.
Hitopadeśa, Advice, Decline, Destruction
Ven. Karandagolle Sobhitha, Ven.Karapikkada Sobhitha (2017). The Reasons to Decline and Destruction of Persons Depicted in Sanskrit Didactic Literature;An examination with reference to Hitōpadēśa. International Conference on Sanskrit Studies, 2017 Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.p.84.