Sensitization patterns of allergens among asthmatics in Sri Lanka
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Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Introduction: The sensitization pattern among asthmatics in Sri Lanka is unknown. Objectives: To determine the sensitization pattern among asthmatics in Sri Lanka. Methodology: The study was carried out in forty physician-diagnosed asthmatic patients. Twenty two non-asthmatics were recruited as controls. Sensitization to 12 allergens was assessed by skin prick test using standardized allergen extracts. A skin wheal diameter, 3mm greater than the negative control was considered a positive reaction. Results: The mean age of asthmatics was 32.4 years (range 9Y59) and 57.5% were males. The mean age of controls was 32.2 years (range 14Y58) and 59.1% were males. The analysis of the data showed that 97.5% asthmatics had positive skin reaction to at least one allergen compared to 72.7% prevalence in the control group. The common allergens among asthmatics were Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (77.5%), blomia (65.5%), cockroach (55%), storage mite (35%), latex (20%)), cat fur (17.5%), aspergillus (12.5%), grass pollen (12.5%), cow’s milk (12.5%) egg white (10%) cereals (7.5%) and dog hair (5.%). The pattern of sensitization among non-asthmatics was Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (54.5%), cockroach (50%), blomia (36.4%), aspergillus (36.4%), grass pollen (27.3%), storage mite (22.7%), cow`s milk (18.2%), latex (13.6%), egg white (13.6%), cereals (13.6%), dog hair (9.1%) and cat fur (9.1%). Sixty two percent (n = 25) of the asthmatics had at least one other allergic manifestation while non-asthmatics with other allergic manifestation were 36.4% (n = 8). Other allergic manifestations in the asthmatic group were rhinitis alone 22 (55%), eczema alone 1(2.5%) and both rhinitis & eczema 2(5%) whereas in the non-asthmatic group it was rhinitis alone 7 (31%), eczema alone 0% and both rhinitis and eczema 1(4.5%). The pattern of sensitization for mites alone, cockroaches alone and mites and cockroaches in the asthmatic group with rhinitis (n = 24) was 23 (57%), 11(27%) and 11(27%) and in the non-asthmatic group with rhinitis (n = 7) was 3 (13%), 4 (18%) and 3 (13%) respectively. Conclusion: The results show that mites, and cockroaches are the most common sensitizing allergens in asthmatics and the commonest association of asthma was rhinitis in Sri Lanka.
Abstracts of the XX World Allergy Congress™ 2007 December 2-6, 2007, Bangkok, Thailand
World Allergy Organization Journal.2007;3(1):S25