Exploring bioactive compounds in the endolichenic fungus, Xylaria feejeensis, inhabiting the lichen, Graphis librata, collected from Negombo lagoon, Sri Lanka
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Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Frontiers in Chemical Technology, Institute of Chemistry Ceylon
The accelerating pharmaceutical problem ofbacteria growing resistant to existing antibrotics forces the scientific community to search for new antibacterial compounds for antibiotic drug development. I-iterature reveals that Sri Lankan mangrove inhabiting endolichenic fungal (ELF) population is rich in nrany such bioactive compounds- Previously isolated and cultured ELF, Xylaria feejeensis; ftom the lichen Graphis librata inhabiting in the mangrove phnt Rhizophora mucronata was culrured on 60 large Potato dextrose agar medium containing petri dishes and incubated for 14 days at room temperature. After extracting secondary metabolites to ethyl acetate (EA) the resulted crude extract was tested for its antibacterial and antioxidant activity. EA crude extract shou,ed negligible antioxidant activity in DPPH radical scavenging assay hence this assay was not proceeded further. The activity ofcrude extract (5 mg/ml) agatnstEscherichia coli (ATCC25922), Staphylococcus aureus (NCC25923) utd Bacillus subtilis (ATCC605I) was tested using agar well diffirsion antibacterial assay. An inhibition zone diameter of 1.9 cm, 2.2 cm, ar,d 2.2 cm against three bacterial strains with Azithromycin positive control (5 mg/ml) 2.2 cm,2.2 cm and 2.3 cm was observed respectively. By Partitioning of EA crude extract resulted two antibacterial active hexane and chloroform fractions and one antibacterial inactive 607o methanol in water fraction. Hexane fraction showed the highest antibacterial activity with inhibition diameter zone of 2.6 cm against E.coll with 2.6 cm diameter of inhibition zone for positive control. Further purification ofhexane fraction was performed by normal phase column chromatography and 4 fractions were resulted. The highest polar fraction showed L4, 2.landl.TcmdiameterinhibitionzonesofgroMhofE.coli,S. aureusutdB.sr.rbtillscomparablewith 2.2 cm Azithromycin. The other 3 fractions showed no antibacterial activity against these bacterial strains. Results suggest that further purification of active fraction and structure elucidation might result in new antibiotic lead compounds.
Endolichenic fungi, Xylaria feejeensls, Negombo lagoon, Antibacterial activity
Gunawardhana, M. H. A. Y., Wickramarachchi, P A. S. R., Weerasinghe, W R. H. and Paranagama, P. A. (2020). Exploring bioactive compounds in the endolichenic fungus, Xylaria feejeensis, inhabiting the lichen, Graphis librata, collected from Negombo lagoon, Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Frontiers in Chemical Technology, Institute of Chemistry Ceylon, P.51