Trophic Classification of Non-Perennial Reservoirs Utilized for the Development of Culture-Based Fisheries, Sri Lanka
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International Review of Hydrobiology
The aim of this study was to check the suitability of some trophic models developed for temperate regions to classify the non-perennial reservoirs of Sri Lanka in order to manage culture-based fisheries of those reservoirs. A limnological study was carried out in 45 non-perennial reservoirs, which have been randomly selected for stocking of fish fingerlings for the development of culture-based fisheries. High total phosphorous (TP) content in relation to algal biomass indicates high non-algal turbidity in all reservoirs. Carlson's trophic state indices (TSI) measured on the basis of Secchi disc depth [TSI (SDD)], TP [TSI (TP)] and chlorophyll a [TSI (Chl-a)] show that the 45 reservoirs studied are characterized by TSI (TP) = TSI (SDD) > TSI (Chl-a), indicating that non-algal particulate matter or colour dominates underwater light attenuation. As TSI (Chl-a) is positively correlated to culture-based fisheries yield, it is useful for planning culture-based fisheries development strategies in non-perennial reservoirs of Sri Lanka, and has the potential to be used elsewhere in the tropics for comparable developments. (? 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)