Morphology of the tubercle of Zuckerkandl and its importance in thyroid surgery
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Sri Lanka Medical Association
The tubercle of Zuckerkandl (ZT) is an embryological remnant of the thyroid gland. Its close relationship to the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) makes it an important surgical landmark. Presence and size of the ZT was prospectively assessed during thyroidectomies done at a single surgicalunit during 2013. Eighty patients were included in the study. Closest distance and relationship of the ZT to the RLN was measured. Median age was 48 years (range 20-75 years). The ZT was present in 72 (90%) patients at least on one side and 55 (69%) patients on both sides. Grade III tubercles were found in 17 (21.25%) patients. Average distance between RLN and the ZT was 1.2 mm posteriorly or posteromedially. In the majority (79%) RLN was lying at a distance of ≤1 mm. Pressure symptoms were present in 19 (23.75%) patients and it was not related to the presence of grade III tubercles (p = 0.207).
Indexed in MEDLINE
Thyroid Gland-surgery
The .Ceylon Medical Journal. 2015; 60(1) : pp.23-24