Experience of abuse among Sri Lankan school children
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Sri Lanka Medical Association
AIMS: To describe the experiences of abuse and maltreatment among children and adolescents in 3 districts in Sri Lanka. METHODS: A descriptive study was conducted in Anuradapura, Monaragala and Kandy districts in January-March 2011. Five schools were randomly selected from each district. Two primary classes [grade 4-5 [children)] and 3 senior classes [grades 9-11 [adolescents]] were randomly selected and all students in selected classes were recruited into the study after obtaining informed consent from students and staff. A self administered questionnaire given under examination conditions was used to gather data. The questionnaire contained questions regarding experiences of physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Results: The study population comprised 739 children [Anuradapura-279, Moneragala-207, Kandy-253) and 1091 adolescents [Anuradapura-327, Moneragala-387, Kandy-377). Male; female ratio was 49:51. 75% children and 91% adolescents claimed that they are physically punished when they misbehave in school, whereas 79% and 97% respectively, agreed that they are shouted at. 28% adolescents [MaIe-49%, Female-10%) had performed life endangering tasks, and in 43% the caretaker/adult had requested it of them. Part-time child labour was reported by 2.7% children and 1.6% adolescents. 2.6% children [Male-3.6%, Female-1.7%) and 1.7% adolescents [Male-2%, Female-1.4%) had experienced incidents of sexual abuse. 14% children and 7% adolescents were staying alone at home whereas 37% children and 49% adolescents travelled alone. CONCLUSIONS: Corporal punishment, although banned, is still being widely used as a disciplinary method. About 2% of school children had experienced sexual abuse. Significant proportions of school children were either living alone or going out alone, and are therefore at risk of abuse.
Poster Presentation Abstract (PP 92), 125th Anniversary Scientific Medical Congress, Sri Lanka Medical Association, June 2012 Colombo, Sri Lanka
child abuse
Sri Lanka Medical Association, 125th International Medical Congress. 2012;57 Suppliment1: 114