Ethics, Environment, Health and Farmers: Reasons for Organic Food Consumption in India
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Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
The study investigated the role of factors such as health concerns, ethical beliefs, environmental concerns, and concerns for farmers on the organic food consumption attitude among the Indian consumers. In fact, the study attempted to integrate all these factors and develop a comprehensive model. Data was collected through an online survey wherein young consumers were targeted. The proposed relationships between the factors were analyzed using SEM. The results suggested that ethical beliefs, health consciousness and concerns for local farmers play a key role in the organic food consumption among the Indian consumers. The study offers valuable insights about organic food consumption to researchers and organic food companies that can be helpful in marketing food products.
Ethics, Health, India, Local Farmers, Organic Foods
Kirmani, Mohd Danish (2021) Ethics, Environment, Health and Farmers: Reasons for Organic Food Consumption in India;Business Law, and Management (BLM2): International Conference on Advanced Marketing (ICAM4) An International Joint e-Conference-2021 Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.Pag.347