Consumer knowledge and demand for antibiotics in Gampaha District

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Sri Lanka Medical Association


INTRODUCTION: Misuse of antibiotics in clinical practice is common. Patients' demand has been identified as a cause for wide use of antibiotics. Demand for antibiotics is affected by consumers' knowledge, attitudes, and medical practice. METHODS: Patients and their relatives attending out patient clinics in Colombo North Teaching Hospital and two private consultation clinics in the Gampaha District were interviewed using a pre¬tested questionnaire to study their knowledge of antibiotics and behavior during a febrile illness. RESULTS: Total population 763 [(487 females); Mean age 37.6 (SD; 15.9)]. Proper awareness of antibiotics was observed in 51/763(6.6%); with an increasing trend with level of education (LOE). More than 90% would accept any treatment prescribed by the doctor while antibiotics were expected by 64/763(8.3%) with no difference to LOE. During a febrile illness 563 (73.8%) visited a general practitioner within the first 2 days. Only 2 (0.3 %) claimed to have self-medicated with antibiotics. 376/487 (76%) females and 180/276 (65%) males expected some treatment without investigations. 67/487 (16%) of females and 34/276 (12%) males claimed they would have changed the doctor if there was no improvement in the first instance. Only 122/763 (16%) were aware of the cause for the most recent febrile illness they had suffered. CONCLUSIONS: In our population, knowledge of antibiotics, self medication and demand for antibiotics is lower than in European populations. Most of the patients are ready to accept any treatment prescribed and antibiotics were expected only by a minority. Therefore, patient behavior may not play a major role in the misuse of antibiotics.


Poster Presentation Abstract (PP5), 118th Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, 2005 Colombo, Sri Lanka


demand for antibiotics


The Ceylon Medical Journal. 2005; 50(Supplement 1):39



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