A socio communicational analysis on the role of mass media in early disaster warning
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This study discusses the role of mass media in early disaster warning. The main objective was to identify the role of the electronic media in the process of early disaster warning implemented at national level. The hypothesis is that the electronic media can play a special role in early disaster warning in Sri Lanka. Data was collected from three groups such as the Disaster Management Centre, the electronic media and the public. A sample of officers in the Disaster Management Centre, journalists and randomly selected victims of the Tsunami in the southern province were selected for the study. The two techniques used in collecting data assisted in providing a deeper understanding on the early disaster warnings. In-depth interviews were carried out to study the early disaster warning system, and the role of the electronic media at national level. Officers of the Disaster Management Centre were consulted for the purpose. Self-administrated questionnaires were completed using a sample of news reporters and news editors in government and private electronic media channels to analyze the contribution given in early disaster warning. The other aim is to measure the awareness with this regard. Same procedure was followed with the randomly selected Tsunami victims in the southern area. There were two major conclusions. The electronic media can play a leading role in early disaster warning in Sri Lanka, and that includes providing quick and accurate information, without causing an unnecessary ruffle among the public. The journalists, as well as public have awareness about early disaster warning. The public believes that the electronic media will telecast information regarding early disaster warning. And media has gained a huge appreciation with this regard. In comparison to Tsunami in 2004, at present, early disaster warning is at a developed level.
Early disaster warning, Electronic media, Role of media, Disaster communication, Tsunamis-Sri Lanka, Mass Communication
Dharmasena, M.K.G.I.(2010),A socio communicational analysis on the role of mass media in early disaster warning,MSSc Thesis. University of Kelaniya