Impact of Corporate Governance on the Performance of Insurance Sector: Evidence from Listed Companies in Colombo Stock Exchange
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Department of Finance, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya
The purpose of this study is to observe the impact of corporate governance on the
performance of insurance sector in Sri Lanka. The study utilized four Corporate
Governance (CG) variables as independent variables such as board size, percentage
of non-executive directors, percentage of independence non-executive directors and
institutional investor’s ownership. Return on Investments (ROI) occupied as the
dependent variable. The sample of the study consists with nine insurance companies
and data from period of 2010-2014 included in the study. Four hypotheses were
formulated and data and information obtained from secondary sources through the
financial statements, annual reports, journals and corporate websites etc. The
method of data analysis employed for this study is multiple regression analysis. The
overall results provide that moderate positive relationship with CG variables and ROI.
However the based on step wised regression analysis only the percentage of
independence directors provide significant impact on ROI.
corporate governance, returns on assets, board size and composition Colombo Stock exchange (CSE)
Weliwitigoda, N.C. 2015. Impact of Corporate Governance on the Performance of Insurance Sector: Evidence from Listed Companies in Colombo Stock Exchange. In Proceedings of the 4th Students’ Research Symposium, Department of Finance, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p 23.