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This dissertation presents a stochastic based Part of Speech tagging method for
Sinhala language. Part of Speech (PaS) is a very vital topic in any Natural Language
processing task that involves analyzing the construction of the language. behavior of
the language and the dynamics of the language. This knowledge could be utilized in
computational linguistics analysis and automation applications. The motivation
behind the research was to fulfill the gaps which are existed at present in the research area of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and analysis of Sinhala language and giving a push to computational linguistics analysis of Natural Language processing research in Sinhala language.
Though Sinhala is a morphologically rich language, in which words arc inflected
with various grammatical features, tagging is very essential for further analysis of the language.
Our research is based on a statistical approach,in which the tagging process is done
by computing the tag sequence probability and the word-likelihood probability from
the given corpus,where the linguistic knowledge is automatically extracted from the
annotated text.
Our effort was mainly focused on designing an architecture for the tagger and
development of the tagger. The implementation of the tagger was based on a wellknown
stochastic model, known as I-lidden Markov Model (HMM). The distinction
between open class and closed class word categories together with syntactical
features of the language were used to predict lexical categories of unknown words.
Simple Good-Turing algorithm and Witten-Bell discounting methods were used to
resolve spare data issues.
The evaluation of the tagger was done by using the corpora and the tag set developed
by the University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC) in year 2005 under the
PAN Localization Project. The model was tested against 90551 words. and 2754
sentences of Sinhala text corpus and the tagger could reach over 90% accuracy in the
tagging process which shows a considerable success over previous works reported in
2004 and 2013. In 2004. a Hidden Markov Model based Part of Speech tagger was
proposed using bigram model and reported only 60% of accuracy and in 2013
another Hidden Markov Model based approach was tried out and reported around
62% of accuracy. However. the overall accuracy of the tagger we implemented have
shown more than 90%. a set of improvements arc suggested in this dissertation
mainly in the area of handling unknown words.
Eventhough these other research were carried out for Sinhala language,they are not
available to use as tools for further language analysis of Sinhala language. So as an
additional product of this work we have make the tagger that we implemented
available as an on-line interface on web freely accessible to the public.
Jayaweera, A.J.P.M.P.(2015). PART OF SPEECH TAGGER FOR SINHALA LANGUAGE.M.Phil.Thesis, University of kelaniya.