Availability of drugs for the treatment of non-communicable diseases in the government health care institutions in Sri Lanka


OBJECTIVE: To assess the availability of commonly used drugs in the treatment of non-communicable diseases in government health care institutions. METHODS: Forty four government health care institutions, representing the 3 levels of health care institutions (level 1 - CD & MH, level 2 - PU, DH, RH, level 3 - BH, GH, PH, TH) were randomly selected from the districts of Colombo, Anuradhapura, Moneragala and Matara. Each of the selected institutions was visited and the availability of a selected list of drugs was ascertained on the day of the visit. Availability was considered satisfactory if the drug was available in at least 75% of institutions of a particular level. RESULTS: Of the drugs that should be available at each level the following results were obtained: Level I -Availability of thiazides, beta-blockers, aspirin and nitrates were satisfactory. Availability of benzathine benzylpenicillin, glibenclamide andprednisolone were unsatisfactory. LevelII- Furosemide, thiazides, nitrates, glibenclamide, metformin andprednisolone were available in all and the availability of methyldopa, nifedipine, beta-blockers and aspirin was satisfactory. Availability of benzathine benzylpenicillin, insulin (isophane/so ruble) and spironolactone were unsatisfactory. Level III - Furosemide, thiazides, metformin, aspirin, beta-blockers, nitrates, nifedipine and prednisolone were available in all while the availability of benzathine benzylpenicillin, captopril, spironolactone, methyldopa, glibenclamide, insulin (isophane/soluble) and timolol eye-drops were satisfactory. Availability of steptokinase, inhalation steroids and salbutamol, ipratropium bromide, losartan, and tamoxifen were unsatisfactory. CONCLUSIONS: Availability of some essential drugs for non-communicable diseases was unsatisfactory at all 3 levels of health care institutions. This may be a reason for patients bypassing smaller institutions and the back referral system not functioning properly in the country. Inadequacy of national stocks cannot by itself explain the non-availability of these drugs as the survey was carried out in July/August.


Poster Presentation Abstract (PP21), 119th Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, 2006 Colombo, Sri Lanka


Availability of drugs


The Ceylon Medical Journal. 2006; 50(Supplement 1):46



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