Electrodeposition of Nanocrystalline Cuprous Oxide Thin Films for Solar Energy Applications
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University of Kelaniya
Non-toxic semiconducting cuprous oxide thin films are used in the development of
photovoltaic and PEC solar cells because of the favourable band gap, low cost and
abundancy of cuprous oxide. Electodeposition technique for preparation of thin cuprous
oxide films is very important because it is simple, inexpensive and can be used to control
the conductivity type. The conductivity type is determined by the pH and the cupric ion
concentration of the film depositing bath. In general the n-type films are produced in
acidic baths while and the p-type films are produced in alkaline baths. The grain size in
cuprous oxide thin films is a key to improve the performance of solar application devices.
Nanocrytalline thin films would be very important in developing PV solar cells and PEC
devices because of the order of magnitude increase in effective surface area of the films
as compared with the microcrystalline thin films. Also, it gives the possibility of
developing nanocrystalline p-n junction diodes for solar cell applications. Therefore it is
important to develop techniques for producing nanocrystalline cuprous oxide thin films.
Structural and morphological studies revealed that the films of nanocrystalline size (1 00
nm) can be electrodeposited by controlling the deposition parameters. Spectral response
measurements of the films demonstrate the p-type behavior in a photoelectrochemical
cell. Analysis of the X-ray diffraction (XRD) data agrees with the observation made with
scanning electron microscope (SEM).
Jayathilaka, K.M.D.C., Siripala, W. and Jayanetti, J.K.D.S., 2007. Elcctrodcposition of Nanocrystallinc Cuprous Oxide Thin Films for Solar Energy Applications, Proceedings of the Annual Research Symposium 2007, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, pp 122.