Issues of Using Applications of Information Science and Technology in Sri Lankan Universities

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University of Kelaniya


We can now make a telephone call to anywhere on the globe, while television allows us to see something on the other side of the world the moment it happens. The Internet is no exception. Home pages enable us to view vast quantities of information without having to move an inch. The Internet also allows us to exchange email with people in far-flung places, while, provided the necessary equipment is in hand, we can also use television conferencing systems to hold simultaneous two way exchanges. However, the development of such means of communication brings with it the risk that we may lose sight of our own locality. We can use networks to find out about what is happening in the various distant regions of the world. Advances in technology, such as the Internet and e-mail, have made it easier for people to communicate with one other and to share information among them. These same changes, however, have made it more difficult to protect the privacy of our communications and information-sharing. What does privacy mean in the information age and can it be protected? Can we prevent phone calls or email messages from being intercepted? Therefore, this paper will explore these and other issues of privacy from university academics with student community. This paper presents the introduction of Digital Rights Management systems used to protect copyrighted content, why these systems are emphasized and by whom. Legal and technical aspects of such methods are also introduced. Moreover, progress in antipiracy techniques and reasons for the current situation with online piracy are explained. In addition to presenting an alternative model for digital entertainment business, a new distribution system based on direct subscription on downloadable media files is suggested. Positive and negative aspects of these options are discussed, indicating how copyright owners and distributors will approach these challenges. According to my view, Digital Rights Management, its potential and problems has been a very interesting field of studies and professional outcome will prove useful for further research. Therefore, every academics & University student community should learn about the following; Current international privacy laws and how they are being implemented; Whether regional privacy rules can work and What level of privacy organizations and individuals can reasonably expect in the future



Information Science, Technology, Sri Lankan, Internet, System


Dassanayake, G., 2005. Issues of Using Applications of Information Science and Technology in Sri Lankan Universities, In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Sri Lanka Studies, University of Kelaniya, pp 60.




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