Chemoprophylaxis for malaria: A costly approach to prevent re-establishment of malaria in Sri Lanka
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Sri Lanka Medical Association
Introduction and Objectives As a measure to prevent the re-establishment of malaria in the country, the Anti Malaria Campaign (AMC) provides antimalarial chemoprophylactic medicines for up to six months free-of-charge to anyone travelling to malaria endemic countries. The objective of this study was to identify the trends of chemoprophylaxis prescription by the AMC and the costs involved. Methods Data were extracted from the national malaria database regarding the number of travellers issued with antimalarial chemoprophylactic medicines during the years 2017-2019. The amount spent for purchase of antimalarial chemoprophylactic medicines was determined. Results Over the three year period the overall number of individuals issued with antimalarial chemoprophylaxis increased (1714 in 2017, 2600 in 2018 and 3053 in 2019). The number of travellers obtaining chemoprophylaxis for malaria when travelling to African countries reduced, while the number travelling to India increased. The cost incurred to the Government of Sri Lanka to purchase mefloquine and doxycycline for prophylaxis was USD 45,755, while the cost to purchase CQ over the three year period for prophylaxis alone was USD 310,714. The total cost incurred to purchase the prophylactic antimalarials have also increased significantly over the three year period, the cost being eleven times higher in 2019 than in 2017. Conclusion Chemoprophylaxis against malaria remains an important strategy to sustain the malaria elimination status in Sri Lanka, and the cost of this intervention is considerable and increasing over time. The local production of anti malarials might be warranted if it will reduce the cost of chemoprophylaxis.
Poster Presentation Abstract(PP228), “Professional Excellence Towards Holistic Healthcare”, 134th Anniversary International Medical Congress, Sri Lanka Medical Association, 21st – 24th September 2021, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Medical Association, 134th Anniversary International Medical Congress. 2021;227-228