Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee?s Job Related Attitudes: With Special Reference to NOC and MBGR of Sri Lanka

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2nd International Conference on Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka


The present study examines the impact of organizational culture on employees job related attitudes with special reference to National Olympic Committee (NOC) and ministry of Botanical Garden and Recreation (MBGR) in Sri Lanka. This study was undertaken by the researchers focusing on the particular problem, why employees motivate differently in different organizations? There were four objectives to be achieved by this study, which included a key objective namely ?to identify the type of NOC and the Ministry of Botanical Garden and Recreation culture that leads to positive work related attitudes on employee, and three specific objectives such as: (i) to examine the existing organizational culture in selected organization, (ii) to measure the employee job related attitudes in organizations concerned, (iii) to recognize the organization structure in NOC and ministry of Botanical Garden and Recreation. The researcher carried out an extensive literature review to provide a conceptual background to the study and to develop a conceptual model and to formulate hypotheses for the study. The study was carried two sports organizations with 50 respondents. Stratified random sampling method was employed to select the sample from each organization. Certain conclusions were made from the study after carrying out detailed scientific analysis of data using appropriate statistical tools. The conclusions were made considering the findings of the study. It was revealed that the dependence of job related attitudes on organizational culture is very weak and therefore negligible. However it became clear that there was an apparent relationship between the organizational cultural types and job related attitudes. Based on the findings of the study, number of recommendations was made to the sport authorities and researchers in the field of sport to improve employee performance in their countries in future. Not only Sri Lankan sport organization, but also Sri Lankan economy will be benefitted through implementation of these recommendations.




Weerakoon, WMRK, Fernando, WCD., Jayawardhana, WMAM., Jayantha, K. (2014). Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee’s Job Related Attitudes: With Special Reference to NOC and MBGR of Sri Lanka, (Abstract) 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, Abstract Volume, ISBN:978-955-4563-13-1, p. 137.



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