Existentialism Theory and Criticism of Novels: A critical Study
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Department of Sinhala, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka
Analyzing human Existence, Jean Paul Sartre has presented the existentialism theory as a humanist study. In this contest the study is expected to analyze the impact of existentialism on modern novel focusing on the basic approaches of existentialism theory. The problem of the study is how the influence of the existentialism to interpret human thoughts in novel in humanistic way. The study launched through the analysis of Martin Wickramasinghe’s Viragaya, Ediriweera Sarachchandra’s Malagiya Etto, and Nawagattegama’s Sansaranyaye Dadayakkaraya. The objective of the study is to emphasize the need of existentialism method for a humanistic interpretation in novel criticism. Under the qualitative research method, the data collected through the literature study. Existentialism and psychoanalysis were the theoretical foundations of data analysis. This study based on Jean Paul Sartre’s existentialism, translated by Bernard Frechtmen. This study revealed that although activities of people emotions are formed by influence of external factors, in analyzing them, paying attention to the unique characteristics and essence of common humanity does justice of the characters. Man naturally tends to be open and close to toward situations like sex, curiosity, sociability. The need for humanistic criticism was emphasized by the characters of Aravinda and Devondara. Novels accustom the reader to a way of thinking that broadness of his critical outlook and mentality. These characters revealed that understanding of individual identities and dynamic that the novel touch on. Behavior that does not confirm to cultural norms is considered. This study signified that despite the expectation of an open life style, lack of focus on free thinking has led to regressive observation of human characters.
Discrimination, Existentialism, Humanism, Individuality, Influences of external facts
Weerasinghe, W.M.N.D. (2023), Existentialism Theory and Criticism of Novels: A critical Study, National Conference on Sinhala Studies (NCSS 2023), Department of Sinhala, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka