Efficacy of Sarjarsadilepa in Vipadika –A clinical study
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Vipädika, a dry skin disease characterized by severe itching and intense pain in feet or palms,
is considered as one Of the k$udraku$ha in äyurveda. A research was conducted to find out the efficacy Of
a herbal cream in the management Of vipädika. 30 patients randomly selected from the dermatology clinic,
OP unit of Garnpaha Wickramarachchi Ayurvedic teaching Hospital, Sri Lanka, were equally divided into two
groups. Both the groups were given some selected äyurvedic preparations internally. In addition. group
was prescribed Sarjarasädi lepa (known as Dummalädi lepa in Sri Lanka) for external application. The
results showed significant decline in severity Of pain, fissuring, itching and eruptions after three weeks in
group Comparative analysis before and after three weeks in group showed 'p' values less than 0.05.
The study revealed that the trial drug is an effective herbal cream in vipädika.
Vipadika, Sarjarasdi lepa
Abegunasekara,N.S, Jayakody,J.A.D.P.P, Efficacy of Sarjarsadilepa in Vipadika –A clinical study, ÄRYAVAIDYAN(A quarterly journal on Ayurveda and Allied Sciences)by Arya Vaida Sala, Kerala, India, Vol.XXIX, No.3, February –April, 2016:35-39pg:ISSN 0970-4086