Turnover Intention in Private Listed Companies: The Role of Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction

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Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.


Employees is a significant resource which play a vital role in an organization. Workers with positive attitude and practicing good behaviours towards their job can defined as satisfied workers. Satisfied workers can generate more ideas and increase the productivity. Satisfaction of workers is relatively important because the factors may lead to turnover intention. The attitude of employees can influence the turnover intention and it may be in positive or negative manner. When the turnover intention increase, the organization may face challenges because recruit new employee requires time and financial resources. Other than job satisfaction, organizational culture is invisible but is powerful forces that affect the turnover intention of employees. The organization culture like politics culture and hierarchy culture can makes employees feel stress and intention to leave. The turnover intention reduces when employees learn the culture of organization and when they supported by their senior in the organization. Although the similar research had been done before but there is limited available research that is based on the relationship between organization culture and job satisfaction that affect the turnover intention in private listed company. Hence, this study can reduce the existing literature gaps and generate new knowledge and information that can benefit the people who interested in this research area. To examine the relationship, this study has been conducted among 196 respondents in private listed companies. Unexpectedly, the major findings of this study contradicted with most of the past studies. It was found that there are insignificant relationships between organizational culture and turnover intention, as well as the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention. The research findings could provide some implications to both practitioners and future researchers. The insignificant relationships between the variables had highlighted to practitioners that, they could not solely focus on organizational culture and job satisfaction if they wish to improve turnover intention. This is because there might be other factors that could moderate or mediate the relationships between the variables, hence the practitioners need to look for comprehensive solutions to reduce turnover intention in private listed companies. Furthermore, the findings can also bring implications to future researchers by suggesting that more studies are needed to explore the moderator or mediator that could improve the significance of relationships between the variables. Besides, longitudinal studies could also be conducted to capture the pattern of relationships.



: Job Satisfaction, Organizational Culture, Private Listed Companies, Turnover Intention


Ling, Gan Jen. Yaacob, Aqilah & Yin, Tan Fong (2021) Turnover Intention in Private Listed Companies: The Role of Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction : Business Law, and Management (BLM2): International Conference on Advanced Marketing (ICAM4) An International Joint e-Conference-2021 Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.Pag.53




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