A Study on Linguistic and Literary Characteristics of Sanskrit Language arising from the Buthsarana

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Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya


Buthsarana composed by vidyachakravarthi during the polonnaruwa era could be identified as a literary and a religious text. When examining the contents of Buthsarana it appears that the objective of the writer was to generate Buddhist religious devotion with the reader while panegyrizing the nine fold righteous virtues of Lord Buddha. But it is conspicuous from Buthsarana that it describes the Sanskrit linguistic literature that dominated during the Polonnaruwa era. It is obvious that Sanskrit language and the poetic tradition had influenced Buthsarana linguistically and literally. Objective of this research is to conduct a study on above factors. Certain other works can also be noted that reveals the manner of the Sanskrit influence was acquired by Sinhala literature during the Polonnaruwa era. Among them, the text adapted for this research is Buthsarana. This is a research conducted in association of primary and secondary sources. The text Buthsarana as primary sources and critical ideas of post classical experts and Sanskrit language and literature texts will be associated as secondary sources. Main expectation from this comparative study, a fresh aggregation of knowledge could be contributed regarding Sanskrit language, literature and above the manner in which Buthsarana acquired its influence.



Polonnaruwa era, Buthsarana, Sanskrit, language, literature


Gamage, M. 2016. A Study on Linguistic and Literary Characteristics of Sanskrit Language arising from the Buthsarana. International Conference on Sanskrit Studies (ICSS), 04th November 2016, Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya. p 71.




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