The Impact of Labour Constrains on Productivity: A Study Based on Handloom Industry in Western Province.

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In: Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Research Conference 2017 (IPRC – 2017), Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya


Human factors are the very critical factors concern with other resources which can be contributed for the production process. Due to considerable amount of labors have been employed at the weaving industry in Sri Lanka, the rate of Human Resources (HR) related issues are high in this sector. A few studies have been done in this particular sector, but no one address of the HR issues. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to investigate the impact of labour constrains on productivity in weaving industry in Sri Lanka. Basically this is a qualitative study. Three hypothesis were developed based on three main labour constrains. Variables are neither manipulated nor controlled for the study. Hence, the study was conducted in a non-contrived setting. As the data for this study was collected at a single point in time, the study was cross sectional in time horizon. Measures of the study had possessed sufficient validity and reliability. Structured questionnaire was given for the weaving workers and the unit of analysis was individual. The sample was selected based on Western Province, one weaving center in each district. The gathered data was analyzed by using descriptive statistic such as mean and standard deviation. The data was analyzed using SPSS 20 software. The data analysis included the univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis. The research revealed that, there are no relationships between wages, and working conditions and productivity of weaving workers. Employee skills positively, but weakly correlate with productivity. Hence, it is concluded that there is a positive and relatively weak relationship between only employee skills and the productivity of the weaving workers in Western province.



Labour Constrains, Wages, Skills, Working Conditions, Productivity


Mayadunne, V. and Weerakkody, W.A.S. (2017). The Impact of Labour Constrains on Productivity: A Study Based on Handloom Industry in Western Province. In: Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Research Conference 2017 (IPRC – 2017), Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p.13.




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