Sanskrit Webliography– a Sample Strategic Initiative to Increase the E-Resource Usage among Academics in Sri Lanka

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Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka


This is a time of increased access to electronic information. E-Collections are very useful to all institutions and individuals to get instant, relevant, comprehensive information at doorsteps. In this information era, librarians should not only create useful products for the user, but should also develop knowledge of the particular online literature. They have designed, developed and tested some manual techniques and search tools. The objective of this study is to provide a sample strategic initiative to increase the e-resource usage among academics in Sri Lanka.Altogether different kinds of 86websites have been identified and selectedon random sampling method in this study for the development of this webliography. Mixed method consist of Facet analytical and Experimental method was used to design the webliography. The Basic structure of this webliography was designed following various procedures such as Selecting the topic;Searching the Web; Browsing and selecting the best ones among retrieved hits; Creating a web page; Choosing an informative title for the webliography; Writing an introduction; Entering selected/filtered links; Establishing hyperlinks; Preparing an index; Publishing by uploading it on the server to increase its usage. According to the findings it is found that these webliographies could be used as appropriate service strategy to increase the usage of electronic resources. Further university libraries are expected to concentrate more on the designing of these kind of webliographies for their teaching disciplines to increase the e-resource usage through their websites.



Service design, Webliography, University Libraries, Information usage, Information source


Navaneethakrishnan, S. 2016. Sanskrit Webliography– a Sample Strategic Initiative to Increase the E-Resource Usage among Academics in Sri Lanka. 1st International Conference on Library and Information Management (ICLIM - 2016), 21st - 22nd October 2016, Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p 74.




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