Determination of an eligible location for installation of a solar panel system in the University of Kelaniya using GIS
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Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
According to the international energy agency, the role of renewables continue to
increase in the electricity, heating and cooling and transport sectors. Newly develop
technology in photovoltaic cells that have the potential to dramatically increase solar
power generation in the next two decades. Being closer to the equator, Sri Lanka has
a great opportunity to have solar energy throughout the year almost 5-6 hours per
day. Sri Lankan power supply organizations are mainly depending on diesel, coal
and hydro power. Still we do not have enough sources to supply electrical energy
throughout the country. All the energy sources except hydro power are not
considered as environmental friendly since they emit high amount of carbon to
generate power. Being the first Green University in Sri Lanka, University of
Kelaniya has initiated many approaches for energy conservation within the
University. This study was carried out to find out the most suitable location within
the University for installation of a solar panel system using ArcGIS software. For
this, surface area of roof of buildings, height of buildings, elevation of the land,
disturbance from other structures such as buildings and trees were selected. Map
layers were created by using high resolution satellite image. Surface elevation profile
was created by using available contour lines. Building layer was digitized from the
satellite image using ArcGIS software. After overlaying all layers together suitable
roofs were selected for the solar panels to install. In order to find possible energy in
the area, meteorological data was collected including minimum and maximum
atmospheric temperature, rainfall, and sunshine hours from Welisara meteorological
station which is the nearest meteorological station to the University. The mean values
of meteorological parameters obtained for the past 8 months were as follows;
maximum atmospheric temperature of 28.28 0C and minimum of 26.02 0C, rainfall
of 171.92 mm and sunshine hours were 7.6 hours. After selecting suitable buildings
from the map, visual observation was done to calculate roof area of each building
manually. The building with the highest surface area and minimum disturbance from
adjacent structures was selected as the best suited location. The best suited location
was selected and also it shows the highest monthly average consumption of
electricity among other university buildings. Apart from that suitable lands also can
be considered. But as the availability of lands in the university premises is a limited
factor, priority was given to the rooves of the buildings. It is easy to make 3D view
of the University by using 3D Analyst, if there is a higher resolution Digital Elevation
Model (DEM). Roof structure and the shape can be used to maximize the efficiency
of solar panels. GIS can be used as a supportive tool in optimization of determining
the best suited location for the solar panel installation.
Meteorological data, Renewable energy, Satellite image, Solar panel installation, GIS
Heshani, A.L.S., Athukorala, S.M.W., Leelarathna, W.D.S.R. and Weerasinghe, V.P.A. 2016. Determination of an eligible location for installation of a solar panel system in the University of Kelaniya using GIS. In Proceedings of the International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences (IRSPAS 2016), Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p 95.