Literature Review on the Terminology used in Sri Lankan Traditional system of Medicine to denote Abscesses and Tumors
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Proceeding of the International Seminar on Ayurveda for Women's Health in 3rd Global Ayurveda Festival 2016, Kerala, India
Sri Lanka developed its own medical system based on a series of prescriptions handed
from generation to generation over a period of 5000 years. Indigenous Medicine Of Sri
also called "Deshiya Chikitsa" was originated before 8000 — 10000 years ago. Ihere are several
acestries in Sri Lanka which are continuing their special field Of "Deshiya Chikitsa" even today
Sri Lanka has its own special science of medical treatment since the ancient times which employs'
indigenous and rare herbs and substances derived from plants. There medications can be used
internally Or externally as treatment for number of illness as well as to prevent lethal diseases
like abscess and tumors. According to "Deshiya and tumors are considered
under the special field called as "Gedi Wana Pilika". Incidence of infections, all over the world
is on high. Recent advances in prevention and treatment of abscess and tumors have made
phenomenal progress. However certain side effects Of chemotherapy and radiotherapy limit
the benefits. The research is focusing their interest on finding novel medicine to Cure abscess
and tumors effectively and efficiently. Ola leaf manuscripts of Sri Lankan traditional system of
medicine are valuable resources for invention of new medicine. The author intends to review the
terminology used in Sri Lankan traditional system ofmedicine to denote abscess and tumors, and
classify them. Seven Ola leaf manuscripts which are conservated in the library Of Bandaranayake
Memorial Ayurvedic Research Institute were selected in this study. 37 terms which have been
used to denote different pathological conditions characterized by abscess, suppurations, and
fever, and also 129 herbo-mineral formulations Were found. five terms, Bandana, Gadu,
Pilika, Visadi and others which could be considered in classifying the pathological conditions
were found
abscess, tumors, Bandana, Gadu, Pilika, Visadi
Samaranayake G.V.P., Literature Review on the Terminology used in Sri Lankan Traditional system of Medicine to denote Abscesses and Tumors, Proceeding of the International Seminar on Ayurveda for Women's Health in 3rd Global Ayurveda Festival 2016, Kerala, India, 31st January -4th February 2016, 30pp