Investigation of the 12C(p,d,pi+)11B Reaction in the Quasifree Region
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Physical Review C
12C(p? ,d?+)11B has been investigated in the quasifree region at energies of 370 and 500 MeV. For each energy, measurements were made at the four angle combinations of (?d,left,??,right) equal to (15�, 30�), (15�, 55�), (25�, 30�), and (25�, 55�). In addition to strong excitation of the g.s. 3/2- state, the 2.12 MeV 1/2- and 5.02 MeV 3/2- states are also excited with appreciable strength. Furthermore, a broad continuum at an excitation energy of about 20 MeV, corresponding to the 1s1/2 hole state is prominently seen. The pion differential cross section distributions exhibit maxima when the recoil nucleus momenta are at a minimum. Analyzing powers were obtained over the range of pion energies investigated. Several measurements for the 2H(p? ,d?+)n reaction are also reported. The results are compared with plane-wave impulse approximation and distorted-wave impulse approximation calculations
Physics, Quasianalytic functions, Reaction time, Physics-Experiments