The ontogenetic dietary shift of blue stripped hermit crab Clibanarius longitarsus (Decapoda, Diogenidae) in the Negombo estuary, Sri Lanka
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Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Hermit crabs represent an important portion of many intertidal and
moderately deep benthic marine communities worldwide, where they play an
important role in the food chain. Present study was conducted to determine the
ontogenetic dietary shift of a tropical hermit crab, C. longitarsus inhabiting in the
Negombo estuary. About sixty specimens of different sized hermit crabs were
collected from intertidal and supra tidal areas of the estuary and they were
preserved in 5% formalin. Hermit crabs were carefully removed from occupying
shell in the laboratory and their body lengths and weights were measured.
According to the measurements they were grouped in to five length classes (LC).
The length and weight ranges were, LC 1 (3.0 - 5.0 mm, 0.10 - 1.90 g), LC 2 (5.07.0mm,
0.32 - 2.11 g), LC 3 (7.0 - 9.0 mm, 1.04 - 2.57 g), LC 4 (9.0 - 11.0 mm,
1.36 - 2.93 g) and LC 5 (11.0 - 13.0 mm, 2.48 - 4.10 g), respectively. Gut analysis
was conducted to find out the major food items available in their diet.
C. langitarsus inhabiting in Negombo estuary showed omnivorous
feeding habits. The major food items found in the gut content of C. longitarsus
were diatoms, green algae, blue green algae, animal parts, detritus and higher
plant parts. The highest relative abundance was recorded for detritus while the
lowest was recorded for animal parts. Comparatively higher amount of green
algae (19 %), blue green algae (3%) and diatom (23 %) were recorded in length
class 2 than that of other length classes. The highest relative abundance of plant
parts (34%) were recorded in length class 4 and the lowest in length class 5.
Detritus (56%) and animal parts (1%) were highly abundant in gut content of
length class 5. Diatoms (9%) and blue green algae (1%) were least abundant in
length class 1. The lowest relative abundance of green algae (9%) was recorded
in length class 4. Animal parts were not recorded in the gut content of C.
longitarsus in length classes 2 and 4. Detritus was the lowest (28%) food item
found in the gut content of length class 2. The highest trophic niche breadth was
observed in length class 2 (1.45) while the lowest value was recorded in length
class 5 (1.22). The cluster analysis and Multidimensional scaling (MD5) based on
different length classes and the % relative abundance of different food
categories of C. longitarsus, produced two clusters at 90.5% similarity level. But
these two clusters were not significantly different (p>0.05; one-way ANOSIM).
Therefore, it is concluded that no ontogenetic dietary shift in C. longitarsus
inhabiting in the Negombo estuary.
Ranaweera, B.D.P.S. and Epa, U.P.K. 2012. The ontogenetic dietary shift of blue stripped hermit crab Clibanarius longitarsus (Decapoda, Diogenidae) in the Negombo estuary, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, May, 2012. Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Abstract) p.45.