Higher order Markov chain approach in modeling Cricket Scores
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Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya
The Markov chain models are applied in a wide range of topics such as physics, chemistry,
medicine, music, game theory and sports. In this research work, higher order Markov chain
model that accounts for scores of an innings of a limited-over cricket match (T20) which is
based on the assumption that the runs scored and wicket occurred follow a higher order
Markov chain. Therefore two models, first order and second order Markov chains are
considered in this research. Parameter estimation is carried out using the data available online
for T20 innings. Parameters were estimated for Sri Lanka and India teams considering fifteen
T20 matches for each team between 15/06/2006 to 07/09/2014. The probabilities depend on
the batsmen, the bowler, the number of wickets lost, the number of balls bowled and the
innings. Simulated results give evidence to the validity of the model. Some statistical tests
were used to investigate the significance of the results. The model may be used for
forecasting purposes and find the effect when order of Markov chain increased. The model
can be improved by taking into considerations the other factors that affect the scoring of an
innings. For example, home-ground advantage, weather condition, pitch, team which they are
playing against, batsman‘s performance, bowler‘s performance etc. And also the model can
be extended to find the effect between the wicket occurring rate and scoring rate.
Markov chain, Frist order, Second order
Jayamaha, J.H.R.K. and Mallawa Arachchi, D.K. 2015. Higher order Markov chain approach in modeling Cricket Scores, p. 196, In: Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Research Conference 2015 University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, (Abstract), 339 pp.