A Study on Superstition on Black Magic among People in Sri Lanka

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In: Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Research Conference 2017 (IPRC – 2017), Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.


Black Magic (BM) referred to the usage of supernatural powers for evil purposes. There are many myths and believes related to BM all over the world with different names. The origin of the BM goes to the primitive societies in the ancient era. Supernatural powers of the nature and the cosmic were being consider as living things and there was a belief that some people could take this powers to their own hand and control while using them for evil purposes. Although the integration of economic, political and social cultures created globalization with the progressive transition from a 'pre-modern' or 'traditional' to a 'modern' society, the beliefs of BM had been continued up to now as the exact way of they were. In Sri Lankan context, belief of the BM has been existed before the dawn of civilization. Sri Lankan tribes had been used these BM for evil and selfish purposes. After rooting caste system there was a special caste which contained the ability of BM. Rodi was one of them. Although the caste system had fade away from Sri Lanka, there are number of people who are being supplied BM with the business purposes while a group of people are being demanded BM. The main objective of the study was to examine the reasons on Superstition on BM among people in Sri Lanka with special reference to southern province. Purposive sample of 10 BM centers were selected according to paper advertisement from Southern Province Sri Lanka and data were collected by using semi structured interviews and observation from randomly selected 100 clients of the BM centers. An explorative analysis was carried out by using books, e journals and internet as secondary data sources to gain relevant literature on BM. Family conflicts, politics, education and the problems of the work place had made frustrated. People used to get rid of their frustration by doing BM. They believe in revenge from the other party who feel jealous and don‘t want to see them happy. At the same time research revealed that people take salvation from the stress by doing BM. Although the education and wealth considered as the motive power of development and modernization it had not affect in usage of BM. These superstitions revealed that the human has gone back from the mind while going forward in physically. Selfishness and suspicions among people has been increased. Media, newspaper advertisements, Television shows, Dramas and Films plays a vital role in promoting BM. At the same time media could be recognize as a great source to spread awareness about the danger and harm of BM which is has been rooted in our society before becoming very important and obligatory.



Study, Magic, Sri Lanka


Ranaweera, K. G. N. U. and Gamage, T. C. R. (2017). A Study on Superstition on Black Magic among People in Sri Lanka. In: Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Research Conference 2017 (IPRC – 2017), Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p.94.




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