Essential Oil Vapor Treatment to Control Post Harvest Diseases in Embul Banana (Mw.,•a Acuminate)
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University of Kelaniya
Anthracnose and crown rot are very common post harvest diseases of banana.
;\nthracnose caused by Colletotrichum musae result in the development of black circular
to lenticular lesions during ripening. Crown rot is caused by Fusarium moniliforme,
l_mioJiplodia theohromae, and colletotrichum musae. Antifungal properties of essential
oils of Cinnamon are well documented. However, only a limited number of studies have
been conducted in the use of these oils in controlling post harvest diseases of banana. In
earlier studies banana were sprayed with an emulsion of the oil and stored at room
temperature and l5°C up to 15 and 21 days respectively. Objective of the present study
was to evaluate the effectiveness of essential oil vapor treatment on post harvest diseases
in embul banana. In the present study the banana \Vas exposed to essential oil vapor at
15"C and allowed to stand at room temp up to 21 days.
The matured embul bananas were placed inside 3L polystyrene containers with snap on
lids. Essential oil (Cinnamon leaf oil (Cinnamon zeylanicum) concentrations of 1170 ppm
or 2340 ppm was applied to filter paper (5.5cm) and placed in each container for expose
banana to vapor. Filter paper moistened with water was placed in each container, to
maintain high relative humidity. The containers were then transferred to storage at 15°C
in a cold room. Control samples were handled similarly with the exception of the volatile
treatment. Banana samples were exposed to essential oil vapor for either I day (A) or 2
days (B) or 3 days(C). The exposed banana samples were placed at l5°C,and stored for
an additional 21 days. After 21 days the banana samples were exposed to ethylene and
were allowed to ripen. After the ripening severity of crown rot and anthracnose were
recorded using a Standard Index. Data were analyzed statistically usmg one-way
Oil vapor treated banana present low severity of both diseases compared to the control.
The banana exposed for 2 days to a concentration of 2340 ppm (sample B) had the lowest
incidence of the both diseases (Crown rot and Anthracnose). But it was not significantly
different from the 3 days exposure (sample C). The banana exposed for 3 days (sample
C) showed higher number of incidence of both diseases. During the 3 days exposure it
was observed an increases in number of banana finger ripen. Therefore the fingers
become more vulnerable to the both diseases.
Niharepola, D.A. and Jayawardena, Bimali, 2007. Essential Oil Vapor Treatment to Control Post Harvest Diseases in Embul Banana (Mw.,•a Acuminate), Proceedings of the Annual Research Symposium 2007, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, pp 120.