Role of Agni Karma with Pippali on Kadara – A Case Study
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1st International Conference and Exhibition in Indigenous Medicine – ICEIM – 2018, Organized by Indigenous Medicine, Eastern Province with the collaboration of Unit of Siddha Medicine, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University of Sri Lanka
Callosity is a local thickened or hardened part of the sole. It is a plaque of
hyperkeratosis caused by repeated friction or pressure. It is assumed that frictional
forces include hyperkeratosis leading to thickening of stratum comeum of the skin
over certain areas prone to mechanical stresses. Kadai•a as described by the
Samhitas, can be closely related to lesions of the skin caused by hyperkeratosis.
Kadara has been enumerated and described in classical literature under the
heading of Kshudra Roga. ,4gni Karma has been mentioned for the proper
management of Kadara. Pippali has been mentioned as a Dahana Upakarana in
Susruta Samhita and Ashtanga Samgraha. This study was conducted at Shalya
Clinic of Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Hospital. A 34 years old female
patient presented with a pain and difficulties of walking due to small thickened
area in her left sole fi)r 3 months. First, scrapped that place by using surgical
scalpel and heated Pippali was directly placed over the lesion. That procedure
continued for 2 weeks. The data collected in regard with pain and hardness, when
compared before treatment and after treatment yielded the following results.
According to symptoms, pain and hardness observed before the treatment, that is
100%. But after treatment, complete cure was observed in above symptoms. Based
on the study, it was observed that Pippali can be used o create superficial burns
only. It was further observed that the area of lesion eventually dried and peeled off
along with the Kadara tissue within about 14 days. The extent of tissue destruction
due to burning with Pippali is very minimal. Hence, it was to be effective for
treating superficial Kadara lesions.
Pippali, Agni Karma, Kadara
Samaranayake G.V.P., Pushpakumara A.A.J., Role of Agni Karma with Pippali on Kadara – A Case Study, 1st International Conference and Exhibition in Indigenous Medicine – ICEIM – 2018, Organized by Indigenous Medicine, Eastern Province with the collaboration of Unit of Siddha Medicine, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 4th-5th October 2018, 44pp.