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Evaluation of the Antibacterial activity of Kalaka Churna – An Experimental study

Show simple item record Abegunasekara, N.S. Peiris, K.P.P. 2019-09-03T09:58:14Z 2019-09-03T09:58:14Z 2016
dc.identifier.citation Abegunasekara,N.S, Peiris,K.P.P, Evaluation of the Antibacterial activity of Kalaka Churna – An Experimental study, Proceedings at 2nd International Conference on Shalakya Tantra, J.S Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya and P.D.Patel Ayurveda Hospital, Nadiad, Gujarat, India, 2nd and 3rd September, 2016:113-117pg en_US
dc.description.abstract Kalaka chootna is one of the best medicines used to treal mukharoga , dantaroga and galaroga. This fonnulation has been used speciaiir,, as a lacal treatmenl". Staphylococcus aureLts and Streptococclts p1)ogetlus are main caus ative arganrsrns of tcnsillitis. The present stuciy was designed to detennine the altibacteriai activity ol Kalaka choorna using agar well difftision method in comparison with standard antibiotic Amoxicillin against the Staphltlococcus o-ut"etLs (ATCC 25923) and Streptococcus pyogeTrus (ciinical isoiate). The samples of kar.aia were prepared as two kind of decoction (4:i and 6:1), Amoxiciilin as positive control and triplicates were made for each test. Observation was recorded by measuring the diameter of the inilibitory zones surrounding the discs. Accorciing to the results inhibitory effect of 6:1 sailpie was significant foi Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pycget?us. According to the resuits inhibitory effect of two sainples in different concentrated levels, it is concluded that Kalaka chcorna has an antibacterial activity as a kavala and it was not d.ependent on the concentration 1eve1 of the decoction. Ald also it was conflrmed that the paribhasha of kavala or gandoosha is authentic, The present stud5z of the antibacterial activity of Kalaka choorna fonns a primary platforrn for f"rrther phytochemical and phannalologlcii sfudies to discover new aniibiorics. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Proceedings at 2nd International Conference on Shalakya Tantra en_US
dc.subject Kalaka choorna en_US
dc.subject kavala en_US
dc.subject paribhasha en_US
dc.subject gandoosha en_US
dc.title Evaluation of the Antibacterial activity of Kalaka Churna – An Experimental study en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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