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    Development of an industry 4.0 based information sharing model for the apparel industry in Sri Lanka: A systematic review of literature
    (4th International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2019) Udakanjalee, H.; Miuli, K.; Savini, N.; Tharaka, V. K.
    The world is currently experiencing the benefits of the fourth industrial revolution which is termed as Industry 4.0. The objective of this research is to identify the most appropriate Industry 4.0 tools to improve the productivity of intra and inter-organizational information flow in the Sri Lankan apparel industry. Inefficient Information flows across the supply chain partners in the Sri Lankan apparel industry has been identified as a major drawback contributing to reduced performance levels. The interruption of the flow of information within the organization and with other stakeholders cause problems such as disruption of smooth production flow, production delays, confusion among employees and poor customer interactions, etc. The methodology used in this research was a structured literature review in which research papers published under the keywords industry 4.0, sustainable supply chains, and information sharing models were reviewed. Approximately 20 research papers published between the years 2015-2019 in key research databases including Scopus, Emerald Insight and Research Gate were referred and reviewed to gather facts using the above keywords. It has been identified that there is a lack of researches in the area of information sharing within the organizational level using industry 4.0 tools. Then a pilot survey has been conducted with two of the leading Sri Lankan apparel manufacturing companies in order to gain an industrial perspective. The developed model is focused on improving the productivity of information sharing within different functional units of the organization and among the end-to-end Supply Chain partners by combining Industry 4.0 tools. This model guides the companies in the apparel industry to create efficient information sharing across the supply chain, through mapping the information flow across the partners upon the ERP integration with industry 4.0 tools. Briefly, the model suggests extracting data from the work floor through IoT devices, analyzing using big data and Artificial Intelligence before transmitted to the relevant departments. Using Augmented Reality and simulations work floor activities can be easily communicated to the workers. Cloud-based solutions are used for vertical integration with other organizations
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    Employee competencies development framework for industry 4.0 adaptation in the healthcare sector
    (4th International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2019) Weerasinghe, W. P. T. D.; Vidanagamachchi, K.; Nanayakkara, L. D. J. F.
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    Procurement optimization with Industry 4.0 in ERP based Sri Lankan apparel industry: a systematic review of literature
    (4th International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2019) Chandrasekara, H. A. S. Y.; Vidanagamachchi, K.; Wickramarachchi, A. P. R.
    Apparel industry is the Sri Lanka’s largest export industry and the highest net foreign exchange earner since 1992. It Provides wide range of clothing solutions for renowned international brands. Therefore, satisfying both customers and suppliers is a mandatory requirement in apparel industry. To survive in the market and acquire competitive edge, industries need to invest in advanced technology. However, most companies fail due to poor integration of technology in their supply chain. The concept of Procurement 4.0 has emerged to optimize supply chain performance developing new value propositions and meeting new business needs. It is the integration of Industry 4.0 concepts in procurement. To adapt these new technologies in an enterprise, a strong ERP system which can act as a platform for integration is required. Although Industry 4.0 concepts have been studied in different industrial contexts, a limited number of researches have been conducted on the use of emerging technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Big data and Cognitive analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cloud technologies etc. in relation procurement while more existing researchers have focused on e-procurement. Therefore, this study explores how the ERP based apparel industry can optimize their procurement process with the emerging procurement technologies from Industry 4.0. In this study, a systematic review of literature was conducted based on the keyword-based search and content analysis, and 20 articles were selected out of 50 articles depending on the relevance to the major areas of study. Based on the findings, a framework was developed incorporating Industry 4.0 technologies that can be used in each step of the procurement process and their impact on procurement performance have been identified. In conclusion, this research provides a framework for implementing technology-based procurement practices. Apparel manufacturers can use the developed framework as a guideline to identify the current state of technology implementation in procurement process and to identify the next potential steps towards procurement 4.0. Further, the results of the study could be generalized and applied to any manufacturing industry. Future researches can be carried out to validate this model through a case study approach
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    Readiness assessment model for Sri Lankan apparel industry: Assess current readiness and strategize Industry 4.0 journey
    (4th International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2019) Lakmali, G. D. E.; Vidanagamachchi, K.; Nanayakkara, J.
    Sri Lankan apparel industry is the most significant and driving contributor to the country’s economy by constituting a large portion of GDP. It has achieved rapid growth rates over the past four decades. In the highly competitive apparel world, manufacturers search solutions for future problems such as worker inadequacy to minimize human intervention to increase productivity. Therefore, there is a need for apparel manufacturers to align value chain operations with the latest technologies. After the first three industrial revolutions, the world is now experiencing the fourth industrial revolution that integrates emerging digital technologies; cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things, big data, simulation, cloud computing and augmented reality. Industry 4.0 enhances process functions by providing real-time visibility for smooth production flow. As an example, machine learning is capable of monitoring critical factors such as machine life to predict the frequency of machine replacement in factories. Before aligning with Industry 4.0, there is an urgent need for assisting companies to improve their capabilities in a standardized, purposeful and sustainable way. Current literature mentions applications of industry 4.0 in the apparel industry but has not assessed readiness to adapt. This research assesses the current readiness of the Sri Lankan apparel industry to adapt industry 4.0 technologies by developing a readiness assessment model based on a systematic review of literature. Eighty-three articles were found with keywords; Industry 4.0 readiness assessment model, cyber-physical system readiness, apparel industry, etc. Forty-six studies were filtered based on relevance and ten existing readiness assessment models were identified. A set of assessment criteria were recognized as compatible with the literature, and the strengths and weaknesses of each readiness model were evaluated systematically. Interviews with industry experts were conducted in order to identify value chain processes in Sri Lankan context. The readiness assessment model comprises readiness dimensions and minimum requirements under each level. The outcome of this study will help industry practitioners in apparel sector to assess the current maturity level and move up the technology ladder while maximizing operational performance. Further, it is suggested to validate this model in Sri Lankan context through a case study approach.
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    Combining Industry 4.0 with Lean Healthcare to Optimize Operational Performance of Sri Lankan Healthcare Industry
    (IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2018) Ilangakoon, T.; Weerabahu, S.; Wickramarachchi, R.
    Healthcare is one of the industries that requires the highest quality services for the wellbeing of the society. Today, the demand for healthcare growing rapidly with increasing aging population, rapid urbanization, changing diets, inactive lifestyles and rising obesity levels. The Industry 4.0 technologies and lean techniques can be used to enhance the operational performance of the healthcare supply chain and the patient flow. This paper examines the factors contributing for the inefficiencies in Sri Lankan Healthcare sector and how the operational performance can be optimized through premedical diagnosis of diseases by incorporating Industry 4.0 technologies and lean techniques. Based on a systematic review of literature and feedback of healthcare professionals, the paper identifies the inefficiencies in the current healthcare system. A conceptual framework has been developed by considering the direct impacts from lean management practices and Industry 4.0 technologies on improving operational performance through pre-medical diagnosis of diseases. Thus, patients can take preventive actions and be more health conscious while the healthcare providers and other related parties can plan their medical services and supporting services for arising health requirements making the healthcare industry much more efficient.
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    Applicability of Lean and Green Concepts in Logistics 4.0: A Systematic Review of Literature
    (IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2019) Edirisuriya, A.; Weerabahu, S.; Wickramarachchi, R.
    Sustainability is emerging as a main consideration throughout the industrial world due to the environmental pollution and degradation happening in a major scale as a result of industrial wastes while lean management is becoming a popular management tool in minimizing waste. Logistics industry contributes for these issues due to the wastes released in a considerable amount. Experts have highlighted that implementing lean principles in parallel to green concepts is more successful; which could lead to waste and cost reduction. A theoretical gap has been identified in the field of logistics in applying lean and green concepts in the context of Industry 4.0. A comprehensive literature review was conducted to address the identified research gap with the objective of examining the important lean practices and green concepts which are expected to enhance the operational performance of logistics functions. A key word based search, analysis of the topic and abstract, full text review were the steps followed respectively, for selecting the most relevant research papers which have been proven as valid, accepted and published to extract the knowledge for this study. As the major contribution, authors have developed a conceptual framework which focuses on the enhancement of operational performance of logistics operations by applying lean and green concepts with special reference to Industry 4.0 technologies. The results of the study will be beneficial for the LSP as it will suggest the strategies, concepts and techniques to enhance the operational performance of logistics functions.
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    Predictive Maintenance 4.0 as next evolution step in industrial maintenance development
    (IEEE International Research Conference on Smart computing & Systems Engineering (SCSE) 2019, Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2019) Poór, P.; Basl, J.; Zenisek, D.
    The aim of this article is to acquaint the reader with problematics of industrial maintenance. The first part of the article deals with the historical overview of maintenance itself. There are different definitions and approaches to maintenance, some of them are presented with the most used maintenance types of breakdown maintenance, preventive maintenance, predictive maintenance, RCM, and TPM. The paper proposes opportunities for “new” type of maintenance connected with Industry 4.0, namely Predictive Maintenance
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    Industry 4.0 maturity assessment of the Banking Sector of Sri Lanka
    (IEEE International Research Conference on Smart computing & Systems Engineering (SCSE) 2019, Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2019) Bandara, O.K.K.; Tharaka, V.K.; Wickramarachchi, A.P.R..
    Technological advancements have created massive changes in the way of performing businesses in this era. Whilst in creating the transition of physical world to a virtual world, industry 4.0 plays a significant role. Thus, the development of the concept of industry 4.0 revolutionize the way of conducting businesses. This concept was first limited to manufacturing sector thus with the evolvement of customer behaviour, service sector also applied these concepts to offer a better customer satisfaction. As modern customer expectations have risen with technology, Sri Lankan banking sector focussed to deliver their services strategy by enabling advanced technologies. Hence there is an essential need to define, formulate a set of guidelines in order to assess the progress of the current state of Sri Lankan banking sector in their journey of adapting industry 4.0. So, this scrutiny assesses the maturity of Sri Lankan banking sector by application of an industry 4.0 maturity model developed by the authors. The results of this study indicates that Sri Lankan banking sector is in the third maturity level of the model “Defined” as the overall maturity is 3.668.
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    Investigating industry 4.0 applications in Sri Lankan healthcare industry to optimize operational performance
    (Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, 2018 Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Ilangakoon, M. T. S.; Weerabahu, W. M. S. K.; Wickramarachchi, R.
    Healthcare is one of the industries that depends on the highest quality services for the wellbeing of the society. Today, the demand for healthcare has been increased with increasing aging population, rapid urbanization, changing diets, inactive lifestyles and rising obesity levels. Healthcare providers search for different innovative methods to optimise their operations and increase the patient satisfaction. Most of the western countries are now adopting new technologies to improve the efficiency of their healthcare processes with the introduction of Industry 4.0 concept. Industry 4.0 which is also known as fourth industrial revolution, uses technologies such as big data, Internet of Things, simulation, augmented reality, cloud computing, autonomous systems, cyber-physical systems, additive manufacturing and systems integration. When Industry 4.0 is applied in the healthcare sector, it is known as Health 4.0. The objective of this study is to investigate the current applications of technology in healthcare processes, applicability of Industry 4.0 technologies in Sri Lankan healthcare domain and how these technologies optimise the operational performance of healthcare operations and processes. Based on a systematic review of literature, a conceptual framework had been developed. Further data was collected from healthcare domain experts using in-depth interviews to identify the level of industry 4.0 technology applications in Sri Lankan healthcare domain for the enhancement of operational performance. A qualitative analysis of data using thematic analysis had been done to evaluate the research findings by identifying the technological applications in healthcare and categorize them under Industry 4.0 components. It was found that major issues such as absence of continuous medical records of patients, early diagnosis of diseases and intellectual waste happening in hospitals can be managed and reduced using Industry 4.0 technologies such as big data analytics, cloud computing and Internet of Things. These technologies can be used to develop systems to share patient information over cloud systems, information systems for resource planning and connecting medical practitioners, disease prediction systems and new sensor based equipment to optimise the healthcare processes, which will make it easier for the patients to get treated and for the hospital staff to manage their routine work efficiently and effectively.
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    Supply chain collaboration for sustainable Industry 4.0: A case study from the apparel industry.
    (International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, 2017 Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2017) Gamage, D. D.; Rupasinghe, T. D.
    Due to the advancement of technology and the dominance of the consumer economy, it has become important for businesses to adopt sustainable practices and innovative technologies to boost productivity in their business processes. The purpose of such sustainable practices is in bringing in balance between the economic, social and environmental spheres of a business. The advancement of technology has brought the 4th industrial revolution to the world in which businesses around the world are integrating the use of cyber-physical systems for improved outcomes. There are studies conducted on the impact of Industry 4.0 applications on collaborative supply chains. The focus of this is study is to simulate the applications of Industry 4.0 in supply chain collaboration in driving sustainability in the apparel industry using NetLogo – a programmable modelling environment. It will use an existing framework of collaboration characteristics supported through Industry 4.0 application and will consider the behavior of supply chain agents under varying conditions of certain specified characteristics. It will study how information sharing, sense making, resource pooling, goal congruency, empowerment and cross functionality of the collaborative supply chain impact on its sustainability in terms of carbon emissions with Life Cycle Assessment. This study shows that improved levels of collaboration through Industry 4.0 applications have a positive effect in reducing the carbon footprint of the supply chain of the apparel industry.